Civil Engineering
Macchi Engineers has provided site-engineering services to numerous public agencies, architects and the private sector for over 72 years. Recently completed projects include the multi-disciplined design and construction administration of additions and renovations to numerous hospitals, educational facilities, commercial and institutional sites, State and Local bridge rehabilitation and replacement projects, large State Park developments, parking facilities and environmental projects related to flood control and dam construction. We have specialized expertise in environmental impact assessment, preforming hydrological and hydraulic studies, storm drainage and flood control. We design innovative stormwater management measures including rain gardens to improve water quality and reduce the peak discharge from the project area. We provide ACOE and DEEP (water management and inland water resources) permitting, traffic impact studies, and STC permitting. Some of our services also include:
Inspection and appraisal of the existing conditions
Evaluation of right of way impacts
Traffic studies and signalization
Topographic and property surveys
Utility coordination
DEEP permit document management
Hydraulic and hydrologic studies
Geometric and local roadway design
Preliminary design and contract documents
Construction estimates and specifications
Maintenance and protection of traffic during construction
Construction inspection and administration
We also provide traffic-engineering services in conjunction with many civil engineering projects. One example is our experience in implementing designs to maintain traffic flow during construction, providing plans for shifting three traffic lanes across highway medians, navigating traffic detours, and completing highway signalization.
Another area of expertise includes implementing cost effective designs for repair and reconstruction of dams throughout the State of Connecticut. Our projects with the Department of Environmental Protection Inland Wetland Water Resources and the Board of Fisheries and Game involve hundreds of dams throughout the state. These projects have included inspection, evaluation of existing conditions, design repairs and construction administration.
Other areas of expertise include:
Athletic Fields
Parking Lot Layout and Design
Roadway Layout and Design
Pedestrian Walkways
ADA Improvements
Site Development
Additions and Renovations
Flood Control and Stormwater Management